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A better financial future has never been easier or more rewarding

*Please check out our full Terms and Conditions

  • ISA

    Want a simple, tax free account? Make the most of your ISA allowance with our ISA.

  • Lifetime ISA

    Looking to buy your first home? Save a deposit faster with a government bonus of up to £1000 a year into a Lifetime ISA.

  • General investment

    Fortunate enough to have maxed out your ISA allowance for the year? Use our general investment account.

  • Junior ISA

    Want to set some money aside for the kids? Set up a Junior ISA ready for when they turn 18.

Integrated workplace savings, investments and pensions

Cushon enhances employee engagement and improves financial futures by encouraging healthy savings habits through the workplace. We're here to help you take care of your employees' financial wellbeing from beginning to end, with a range of workplace ISAs, investment accounts and pensions, all managed via a powerful digital app.

Find out more

Some of our 90 different investment managers

What are our customers saying?

This is the test environment that we use with our corporate clients to make sure everything works.

If you're not expecting to be here then you've probably been given the wrong link. Please email us at help@cushon.co.uk to let us know, and tell us how you got here.

Any accounts set up here are for testing purposes only and no real money will change hands. By proceeding you confirm that you understand this.